Curated by Apartamento magazine, this is BD's first everyday life object collection. This series introduces a set of four (un)common objects, each playfully reimagined and beautifully reinvented by a different artist.
Experimenting with functionality, these pieces challenge the mundanity of an ordinary object, embodying the creative freedom shared by both the cult interior magazine and the renowned furniture design company.
The Ceramic Bookstand is a functional sculpture made to belong in every room in the house. Made first with a clay stamp and then finished with unique glazing, the Ceramic Bookstand is transformed into a sculpture through its functional purpose of displaying a book.
Striking a balance between its simple artistry and arresting presence in a room, it effortlessly attunes to the space it's in.
- Beige effect glazed ceramic.
Dimensions: Width: 190mm, Depth: 120mm, Height: 120mm
The bookstand is delivered inside a cardboard box